Lakes For Sale in Lorraine, France

Lakes in Lorraine

Located in north eastern France and bordering Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany the Lorraine region is strategically located at the cross roads of Europe.

This region most famous for Quiche is also renowned for its outdoor landscapes with the rivers Meurthe, Meuse & Moselle and the Vosges Mountains to the east.

There are many beautiful lakes and ponds throughout the region. The Vosges (88) department to the south is heavily wooded and famous for its spring water and thermal springs. It offers a number of notable lakes: Lac Gerardmer, Lac de Pierre Poncee, Lac de Madine, Lac de Lispach, Lac de Longemer, Lac de blanchemer, Lac de la Plaine, Lac de la Maix, Lac des Corbeaux, Lac de Bouzey, & Étang de Huchere.

The Moselle department (57) to the north offers a number of notable lakes: Étang de Lindre, Étang de la Mutche, Étang de Gondrexange, Étang du Stock & Étang de Mittershiem.

The Meurthe et Mosselle department (54) in the middle of the Lorraine region offers the following notable lakes : Étang de Mandres aux Quatres Tours, Étang de Chaligny, Étang du Pont,Lac de Madine, Lac de Messein & Étang Romé.

The Meuse department (55) to the north west of the region is famous for the WW1 battlefields, but it does also offer some notable lakes : Étangs de Lachaussee, Étang des Chauproyes, Lac Vert, Étang Bleu, Étangde Sommelonne etc.